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This module allows you to add Cloudflare's Turnstile CAPTCHA to your website, providing a user-friendly alternative to Google's reCAPTCHA. It is based on MarkupGoogleRecaptcha, allowing for easy switching between the two CAPTCHA systems. If MarkupGoogleRecaptcha is installed, some of its settings are used to configure Turnstile.


We've used reCAPTCHA for many years now but have found that it isn't as effective as it should be in reducing spam. It is also pretty annoying. We've recently switched a couple of our 'bigger' sites to use Turnstile (using this module) as the sites were on Cloudflare already. It is definitely a much friendlier captcha for users, still to determine whether it is better at preventing spam, but I expect it will be.



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Thanks for this. It probably shouldn't be too hard to adapt Ryan's InputfiledFormBuilderRecaptcha to use Cloudflare as well.

I just read an article today stating that bots can now defeat pretty much all of those visual captchas that ask to identify what squares contain a given object, so this is quite timely.


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