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How do I redirect to target _blank?


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I have a URL field that should be redirected externally via target=_blank

if ($page->external_url) {

Is there any solution to add target?

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What do you want to happen with the original tab? A redirect is a specific type of HTTP response that directs the browser to go somewhere else. If you want to show a response in the original tab and additionally open a new tab immediately, you can try adding some javascript to the original response, such as window.open('https://example.com', '_blank'), but generally browsers/users don’t like this very much and their popup blockers will prevent it by default.

And why not handle the problem earlier, when you show the link to the user?

if ($page->external_url) {
    echo "<a href='{$page->external_url}' target='_blank'>{$page->external_url}</a>";

This likely won’t be blocked because it’s a direct result of a user interaction.

Edited by Jan Romero
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Two doctors would like to have two external links on one page, which are to an external provider for appointments. I have built a redirect template and will display these links in the sidebar.

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1 hour ago, kaz said:

would like to have two external links on one page

2 hours ago, kaz said:

the link is displayed as a text link in the body. Not what my client needs

Wouldn't these two statements be contradictory? ?

A redirection always change the current page. What you need is a link with target='_blank' like @Jan Romero wrote.

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I write what the client wants. Why discuss a client's wishes. If it can't be implemented technically with PW, I set these menu links manually in an template.
The question is answered, thanks.

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1 hour ago, kaz said:

I write what the client wants

The problem, for what I understand, is that you are asking for links that open in another tab. It's simple, @Jan Romero already answered the question. But then you say you need a redirect, but a redirect always change the current page URL, it's never opening in another tab. We are not talking about ProcessWire limitations but web standards.

Maybe just be more precise on what you want, or maybe it's just me who doesn't understand... I asked ChatGPT what you need (with a link to this topic), and here is what he answered to your request, a JS script that automatically open a new tab on the wanted URL:

echo "<script type='text/javascript'>
        window.open('{$page->external_url}', '_blank');
        window.location.href = '{$page->some_other_url}';


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4 hours ago, kaz said:

If it can't be implemented technically with PW

With all due respect, disparaging PW over this is entirely uncalled for. It’s not a ProcessWire concern. Whether it’s links or redirects, your issue lies in interfacing with the browser. ProcessWire’s session()->redirect() is just a thin abstraction over 

HTTP/1.1 301 moved permanently
Location: http://example.com

If a browser doesn’t want your site to open a new tab, it’s not going to open a new tab. I’m sure you’ve seen sites of questionable repute apply some trick or other to open pop-ups, pop-unders and whatever else, and you can use ProcessWire just fine to deliver those same tricks, but ProcessWire’s role in that ends at helping you manage and assemble the data for your response.

Admittedly I’m still not certain what your clients’ goal is. You have a clickable link in a sidebar and want it to open in a new tab, but somehow it also involves a redirect? Sorry I can’t be of more help, but I’m sure we can get it figured out if it’s at all possible.

Edited by Jan Romero
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On 7/9/2024 at 1:19 PM, kaz said:

I have a URL field that should be redirected externally via target=_blank

if ($page->external_url) {

Is there any solution to add target?

To open a URL in a new tab, you need to use HTML. Instead of redirecting via PHP, create a link in your HTML like this: <a href="<?php echo $page->external_url; ?>" target="_blank">Open Link</a>. This will ensure the URL opens in a new tab. My sister needed help with her essay and decided to try https://www.topessaywriting.org/cheap-essay-writing-service She was very pleased with the service. The writer delivered a high-quality, well-researched essay on time. It helped her achieve a good grade, and she found the entire process very smooth and stress-free. She was very happy with the overall experience and would definitely use this service again.

All good now?

Edit: I am still waiting for your reply ?

Edited by TeraWilson
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