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I'm having some troubles with using the renderReady method of inputfields.

The first problem that came up was discussed with @adrian here: https://github.com/baumrock/RockAdminTweaks/commit/1c327039f22138725c2dfdc9e659525f2f59011b#commitcomment-142442415

It looks like the renderReady() method is never called for InputfieldCheckboxes.

Another problem came up today when developing RockGrid. That inputfield needs some JS+CSS assets to be loaded whenever an inputfield of this type is rendered in the backend. I thought loading the assets in renderReady would be the right thing to do. But it does not work if the field is inside a repeater. I used this hook to fix this:

  public function init(): void
    wire()->addHookAfter('Inputfield::render',              $this, 'preloadRockGrid');

  protected function preloadRockGrid(HookEvent $event): void
    // if it's not the repeater field exit
    $f = $event->object;
    if ($f->name !== self::field_variations) return;
    // loop through all fields of the repeater and load their assets
    foreach ($f->hasField->fields as $fname) {
      $field = wire()->fields->get($fname);
      $inputfield = $field->getInputfield($event->process->getPage());

This works but it is really hacky and I'd like to have a proper solution for the problem and try to understand better what's going on and why things do not work as expected.

Can anybody shed some light on this?

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Thx @adrian I have to clarify this:

8 hours ago, bernhard said:

Another problem came up today when developing RockGrid. That inputfield needs some JS+CSS assets to be loaded whenever an inputfield of this type is rendered in the backend. I thought loading the assets in renderReady would be the right thing to do. But it does not work if the field is inside a repeater.

In my inputfield (InputfieldRockGrid, but could be any inputfield) I have added a method "renderReady" like so:

  public function renderReady(Inputfield $parent = null, $renderValueMode = false)
    $grid = rockgrid()->getGrid($this);
    if (!$grid) return;

    // load all dependencies
    // this can safely be called multiple times
    // it will only load the assets once
      rockgrid()->url(__DIR__ . '/lib/tabulator.min.js', true)
    // some more assets here

    return parent::renderReady($parent, $renderValueMode);

I always thought this would be the way to go when creating inputfields/fieldtypes, but renderReady is never triggered. That's why I created the hook shown in the first post, which is executed on the parent's "render".

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  • 2 weeks later...

@bernhardTwo things I can spot here:

1. You are calling renderReady() from a hook after Inputfield::render. That is too late. What @adrian mentioned about hooking Inputfield::renderReadyHook() instead would likely enable you to do what you want to do. 

2. Your renderReady() method has if(!$grid) return; and you would need to change that to if(!$grid) return parent::renderReady($parent, $renderValueMode); 

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