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Set minDate in Datepicker


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I have a (Formbuilder) form that contains two datefields, each of them with a datepicker. The first datefield should have today as the minimum date (no date selectable before today), the second one should have the date from field1 plus 1 day as a minimum. Any ideas how I could achieve that?


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@cpx3 you could select the html5 native date field as your type and choos today as your default value.
Your minimum values can be set via a hook

$wire->addHookBefore('FormBuilderProcessor::renderReady', function($event) {

	$form = $event->arguments(0);
	if($form->name != 'your-form-name') return;

	$inputfield_1 = $form->getChildByName('your_date_field_1');
	$inputfield_2 = $form->getChildByName('your_date_field_2');

	if($inputfield_1) $inputfield_1->attr('min', date('Y-m-d'));
	if($inputfield_2) $inputfield_2->attr('min', date('Y-m-d', strtotime(' +1 day')));



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First, a million thanks. The only thing is that neither this works, as the HTML datepicker seems to ignore the value and shows all dates. I wonder seriously why Ryan decided to cut this function from the datepicker (at least with the paid FormBuilder module), as with Javascript it would work...

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