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Constant warning notification in admin


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Hello, every ~5 seconds I have a 404 warning notification that appears on the admin pages. It says:

 404 occurred: /in-use/aaaaa-atelier.org/www.aaaaa-atelier.org/www.aaaaa-atelier.org/aaaaa-atelier.org/fiskprojects.com/aaaaa-atelier.org/aaaaa-atelier.org/aaaaa-atelier.org/fiskprojects.com/fiskprojects.com/www.aaaaa-atelier.org/www.aaaaa-atelier.org/stud 10 secs / expires 20 secs 

As you can see, the URL is very strange, and I have no idea how to solve this request (is it a request?). It lasts since months now and it is very overwhelming. I have `$config->debug = false;`  Any help welcome.

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Do you have a page with that name/URL?
Or maybe just the /in-use/ part?

Maybe you find more details in the logs - errors or messages.

I feels a bit like an error CKEditor would throw in case a linked page is missing but that's just a feeling.

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The page /in-use/ exists, but those URL feel like a collage of many data types of the website, complete nonsense, they obviously not exist on the server. However, I found that the error also mentions "amazonbot":

Referer: unknown
Useragent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonbot/0.1; +https://developer.amazon.com/support/amazonbot)
Page: Unknown
User: guest

The IP is also always different. And similar errors with Page: Unknown are being triggered almost every time without clear Page or Referrer.

I have the feelings that bots are trying to reach pages that doesn’t exist. My PHP logs are ful of this kind of warnings. What should I do at this point ?

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Is that useragent string a constant across all requests, or just the "amazonbot" part?  Either way, if you have access to WireRequestBlocker from the ProDevTools package, you could target the useragent with a block rule.  If you don't have access to WireRequestBlocker, then an .htaccess rule could be used to reject those requests.  There are some examples here.

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