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To add custom JavaScript validation for repeater items


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We are capturing the following using repeater items using process wire admin interface for sending Event related instant SMS
Event name 

Once 'Submit' button is clicked we are replacing the above in our SMS template and are sending. Before that we would like to validate the character count of SMS content. We would like validate the character count of Venue+time+Event name.

  1. How can we do this using JavaScript.
  2. How can we insert custom .js file in ProcessWire admin side.
  3. How can we refer these repeater fields.

Please help


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Why using JS and not a saveReady hook?

And maybe a hook on ProcessPageEdit::processInput(form:InputFieldWrapper) to check that fields content is valid and mark them as "error" in the form. You can also manage errors in saveReady by displaying an error Notice to user.

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