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Children and grandchildren on the menu


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I'm using a beginners version and am surprised that the children and grandchildren pages are not listed in the drop down menu type menu items.

I looked at the code and, as far as I understand, it is implemented for that.

<!-- top navigation -->
	<ul class='topnav' role='navigation'><?php

		// top navigation consists of homepage and its visible children
		$homepage = $pages->get('/'); 
		$children = $homepage->children();

		// make 'home' the first item in the navigation

		// render an <li> for each top navigation item
		foreach($children as $child) {
			if($child->id == $page->rootParent->id) {
				// this $child page is currently being viewed (or one of it's children/descendents)
				// so we highlight it as the current page in the navigation
				echo "<li class='current' aria-current='true'>";
				echo "<span class='visually-hidden'>Current page: </span>";
				echo "<a href='$child->url'>$child->title</a></li>";
			} else {
				echo "<li><a href='$child->url'>$child->title</a></li>";

		// output an "Edit" link if this page happens to be editable by the current user
		if($page->editable()) {
			echo "<li class='edit'><a href='$page->editUrl'>Edit</a></li>";


I spent the afternoon trying to figure out why it doesn't work for me and thought that somewhere in the administration there's a checkbox to enable this function that I'd inadvertently disabled.

What can you tell me about this ?

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Hello, 🙂


 If you want grandchildren at any level, I think you need to create a recursion function.

I've solved the problem with my sitemap and am looking to adapt a script for recursion and here I am looking at code and learning PHP (and English) at the same time. I should have started sooner 😉

Then, while doing my research, I came across some very interesting contributions and was amazed at the possibilities offered by PW. What a job done!

I'm delighted to have finally found what I've been looking for for years.

A system that allows me to learn while I work, with enough resources at my fingertips to set up a site.
The rest is done at the same time, and there's enough to last a lifetime.

I've begun to tell the story in an article I started this morning about my adventure with this CMS-CMF.

Visitors will be able to follow the day-by-day progress I've made with it. 


Merry Christmas to all! 🙂

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Hello Webjack,

Great writeup on ProcessWire from a beginner point of view.

A quick note : in the breadcrumb ProcessWire is spelled wrongly. It should be ProcessWire whithout a dash (-).


Glad to see you're enjoying ProcesWire while dicovering it and learning english at the same time.

Merry Christmas !!

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A quick note : in the breadcrumb ProcessWire is spelled wrongly. It should be ProcessWire whithout a dash (-).

No, it's not a mistake. 

It's because it was written normally but, at some point, while testing something else, I got an error (something rejected) because there was confusion with a title.
So I changed the title and forgot to correct it later. 😉

In fact, it's a test site and I've taken the opportunity to start a few articles to familiarize myself with the system, which I'm learning by doing.

It's the same for English. I'm improving. 🙂

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