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How to add a markup field to a repeater item?

Jonathan Lahijani

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I'm trying to add a markup field to a repeater item.  I would think to use ProcessPageEdit::buildFormContent however that only executes when a page being edited is loaded, not when a repeater item is expanded.

What is the correct hook that would allow me to use the form API and insert a markup field somewhere in the repeater item?

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  • 4 months later...
On 12/5/2023 at 7:46 AM, elabx said:

I would try InputfieldWrapper::render since the repeater items are wrappers themselves ? but not sure super.

As far as I can tell, that's the way to do it.

Assuming your repeater field is called 'my_repeater_field' and it contains a field called 'foo' that you want to add a make-shift markup field above, here's what you'd do:

$wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldWrapper::render', function(HookEvent $event) {
  if(!$event->object->children->count) return;
  if($event->object->children[0]->name!="my_repeater_field") return;
  $event->return = str_replace(
    "<li class='Inputfield InputfieldText Inputfield_foo_repeater",
    <li class='Inputfield'>
        <label class='InputfieldHeader'>
            my custom repeater markup field
        <div class='InputfieldContent'>
            content goes here
    <li class='Inputfield InputfieldText Inputfield_foo_repeater",


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