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Provide a way to define / save / sync fields in the code base


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On 12/3/2023 at 4:45 AM, gebeer said:

Which version of RockMigrations did you use? I added Repeater Matrix support and this was merged approx. 2 months ago. Here's how to use it: https://github.com/baumrock/RockMigrations#repeatermatrix-field

@gebeer I gave this another try today. Related issue on GitHub: https://github.com/baumrock/RockMigrations/issues/43

Bernhard is not planning to support RepeaterMatrix anymore, as he now has his own module to sell. So I'm afraid it's on us to get it to work ? ...and I won't be a big help as I'm still such a ProcessWire noob ? 

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2 hours ago, Rasso said:

Bernhard is not planning to support RepeaterMatrix anymore, as he now has his own module to sell.

I'm not 100% happy with that wording. No offense, just want to be clear on that. It's not that I don't want to support RepeaterMatrix to push sales of RockPageBuilder. I'm just not using RepeaterMatrix any more because RockPageBuilder is far better for what I use it and it integrates well with RockMigrations. RockMigrations is a module containing thousands of hours of work that you get for free and that does not pay any bills for me. I just can't put any (more) unpaid work into it unless I need the features for my own work.

But I'm happy to support RepeaterMatrix and any other pro field of Ryan if people provide PRs even though that might mean less sales for RockPageBuilder. I'd be even more happy if @MarkE had a look at RockMigrations and used it as common base so that we can work together on an api that does all the heavy lifting - independent from wether it is used by RockMigrations or MarkE's GUI. And even more happy, of course, if we had a migrations API in the core...

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1 hour ago, bernhard said:

I'm not 100% happy with that wording.

You are right @bernhard, my wording wasn't completely fair – sorry for that. Thank you for all the time you've put into RockMigrations. Of course you are not obliged to take care of features that you don't need. It's open source, after all. I hope you get some subscriptions for your premium plugins. 

I guess the person really responsible for all the drama in this thread here is @ryan. I'd expect from a premium module like Pro Fields (NOT FOSS software) that it would provide a robust migration/syncing mechanism along with it. Otherwise, the ecosystem is doomed to playing catch-up forever. I'm pretty concerned with starting to learn and use a new CMS where deployment is such a big pain point. The WordPress vs ProcessWire article needs a serious overhaul IMO. I'm getting more and more frustrated by so many systems claiming that they are superior and then exposing such dirty corners (the ProcessWire panel feels pretty outdated to me as well to be honest). 

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1 hour ago, bernhard said:

I'd be even more happy if @MarkE had a look at RockMigrations and used it as common base so that we can work together on an api that does all the heavy lifting - independent from wether it is used by RockMigrations or MarkE's GUI.

I agree that would be nice. I’m still hoping to release my module before Christmas but you know what it’s like - tracking down bugs. For example I’ve been adding Page Table Field compatibility as an alternative to RepeaterMatrix, which throws a few issues especially if the table is hosted under a “foreign” parent. I’m just about there now…..

To your specific point @bernhard, it had already occurred to me that there might be a way of combining the best of both modules - e.g. GUI in the development environment with deployment via code; or maybe creating a RockMigrations migration from my json files. However, I don’t even want to think about this until I have released my module and had feedback from other users. 

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