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Prevent FormBuilderMultiplier to inject script tags in my MJML export


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Hi there,

So I used the plugin FormBuilderMultiplier by @BitPoet. The module has been working great but I run into an issue:

It injects the line <script type="text/javascript" src="/godzillab-stripe/site/modules/FormBuilderMultiplier/FormBuilderMultiplier.js"></script></head>

..on every page. That means it also appears inside my MJML export and breaks the MJML.

In the PageMjmlToHtml i made sure to not include anything automatically, but it gets included anyway. Not sure if mr BitPoet is around, if not, then I'm wondering what the workaround (if any) might be?

many thanks,


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Yes, Mr. BitPoet is around ? Glad to hear you like my module. As a quick & dirty workaround, you could insert a short check for your PageMjmlToHtml template/page in the addScripts function in FormBuilderMultiplier.module after $page is assigned:

// If you want to prevent inclusion of the script for all pages with a certain template
if($page->template->name === "PageMjmlToHmtl") return;
// Or for a certain page id
if($page->id === 19389) return;

It makes sense to avoid including the script in every page that is rendered. I'm going to add a more selective mechanism there.

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3 hours ago, joe_g said:

In the PageMjmlToHtml i made sure to not include anything automatically, but it gets included anyway. Not sure if mr BitPoet is around, if not, then I'm wondering what the workaround (if any) might be?

I'm assuming that PageMjmlToHml is a template, right? In that case, you can try the latest dev release 0.0.11. It has an option to exclude certain templates from script tag injection in the module settings.


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