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frontend output of pagetable

herr rilke

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hi everyone,

i'm pretty new to processwire and trying to figure out if pw is a replacement for contao in same use cases.
so many interesting concepts - but still not to easy to set up a page with sections and all that ?

i am able to output all children of a given page by their template:

// only templates starting "section_"
$tpls = $templates->find("name^=section_");

foreach ($page->children("template=$tpls") as $child){
	$content .= $child->render();

these children were insertet by a pagetabel field and they are rendered as expected.

if i try to do that using the pagetable object, it does not work:

	if ($page->pagetable) {

		foreach ($page->pagetable as $pt) {
			$content .= $pt->name .'<br>'; // works
			$content .= $pt->id .'<br>';   // works too
			$content .= $pages->find('id=' . $pt->id)->render(); // returns a formatted link ... ?!

surprisingly that only give's me a link to the child page instead of display it's contents.

anyone to guide me... ?


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17 hours ago, herr rilke said:
foreach ($page->pagetable as $pt) {

In this code, $pt is already a Page object so you don't need to get it again from $pages. You can just call the render method on it directly.

foreach($page->pagetable as $pt) {
	$content .= $pt->render();


17 hours ago, herr rilke said:

but still not to easy to set up a page with sections and all that

For this sort of thing you'll find that Repeater Matrix is money well spent.

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