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How do I record user's video with audio and store it while user is taking an exam?

Vineet Sawant

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To build an online exam web-application, I need to record user's video with audio while he/she is going through the questions. I need to store the entire session in video as well. As there can be multiple attempts to the same exam where user can start where he/she left off, multiple video recordings (one for each session) would be required.

Please help me find a way to do this effectively & easily.

I'm open to using any 3rd party service available as well (as long as it's affordable). I had thought of using Zoom's API for achieving the same but Zoom's 40mins time limit for each session would be a hurdle as the exam would be at least 1.5hrs long.

Additionally (although not a compulsion), if it's possible to live stream user's feed for moderators to see, that's be a bonus.

I'm open to your thoughts and suggestions.

Thank you all for your time and suggestions.


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I'd be a little afraid if that all really works on all students' machines... What if the connection breaks? What if the upload does not work? What if the laptop restarts? etc.. Does that mean the exam is failed?

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Those are some valid questions and honestly at this point I don't have answers to them but I'm hoping to get some answers as we go ahead. Zoom's free API integration seems to work as I need just the 40mins restriction is a bit of an issue. If the client can pay for the paid version, that should solve all my problems.

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