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Page Reference Autocomplete returning all pages


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I have a page reference field that only shows certain pages based on a field on the the chosen page that also exists at the parent page.  To get the allowed pages I added in ready.php

$wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldPage::getSelectablePages', function($event) {
	if ($event->object->hasField == "my_page_reference_field") {
		$page = $event->arguments(0);
		$zv = $page->parent->name;
		$event->return = $event->pages->find("template=myTeplate, searchterm=$zv");

As long as I use radiobuttons or select field this works great. But using automplete I get all the pages from the whole site.

Does anybody know why this happens?

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This is because Page Autocomplete doesn't use InputfieldPage::getSelectablePages. Instead, it sends a live query to ProcessPageSearch. Unfortunately, this means that the field settings are written to the JS config, and support for selectors is somewhat limited there.

There's been a github issue around for some time with a workaround, which unfortunately means adding a few lines to a core js file, so it needs to be reapplied after every update: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/1374#issuecomment-835032978

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On 4/27/2023 at 8:04 PM, torf said:

To get the allowed pages I added in ready.php

$wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldPage::getSelectablePages', function($event) {
	if ($event->object->hasField == "my_page_reference_field") {
		$page = $event->arguments(0);
		$zv = $page->parent->name;
		$event->return = $event->pages->find("template=myTeplate, searchterm=$zv");

You can actually adapt that to a selector string that will allow you to use Page Autocomplete:


In a Page Reference field selector string, "page" is a special keyword that PW converts into "the page that is open in Page Edit". This isn't documented anywhere as far as I know, but it would be good if it was @ryan.

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Wow. Cool one. It absolutely works. I cannot use it in my special case as I have to use ready.php (the field is used in two templates and only one uses the parent as selector. So I need to use an if statement to determine the actual template), but it's good to know it works that way as well.

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