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List child pages


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I need to list subpages by mengtest and title of a mother page as a simple foreach ul list. Is there a way, similar to a menu, to list child pages? I couldn't find anything about this in the docs. Maybe you can give me a hint what to look for?

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If you know the parent page you can iterate over all the children very easily, even passing in a selector with your mengtest condition. You could try...

echo "<ul>";
foreach($page->children('mengtest=...') as $child) {
  echo "<li><a href='$child->url'>$child->title</a></li>";
echo "</ul>";

Docs: https://processwire.com/api/ref/page/children/

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I was looking at this thread earlier and was confused, but now I’ve had a drink, I think you want to show a single list of pages whose parent matches some conditions?

You can use selectors on fields of the parent like this:

pages()->find('parent.title=something, parent.mengtest=orother')


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@netcarver thanks netcarver, this helped a lot.

echo "<ul id='side-menu' class='uk-list uk-margin-remove uk-padding-remove'>";
foreach($pages->get(1044)->children as $child) {
    $active = wire('page') == $child ? "current" : "";
    echo "<li class='$active'><a href='$child->url' title='$child->title'>" . $child->get('menutext|title') . "</a></li>";
echo "</ul>";

I call the list pages in my base template with the page ID of the parent page:

<?php if ($page->id == 1044): ?>
<?php include('views/partials/menu-aside.php'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

However, the list should also be displayed in all children's pages. ID is therefore wrong? Is there another option which includes the children's sites?

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1 hour ago, netcarver said:

I might be misunderstanding, but couldn't you do this in the base template...?

Exactly, that was my goal, to do it in the base template. Thanks that works!

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