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Group posts by day of the week? "Datetime" field (mon, tue, ...)


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I'm having some problems grouping tabbed posts by day. So clikcking on expl. monday would show all posts starting on monday.

I have datetime field "Date_start" added in "my calendar-post" template.

It should look like this



But now shows all the days so if I have 5 events starting on MONDAY it shows 5 MON in tabs. Like:


Not sure how to group these by Start_date.

My code now:

  Reveal hidden contents

And original html:

  Reveal hidden contents


Any help appreciated (I'm not a coder) ?

Thank you


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Somehow got it grouped by day but not quite working yet. It shows events somehow mixed up not sure why.

My code:

  Reveal hidden contents

any help appreciated

thank you


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Please use code formatting with the correct language. It’s the „<>“ button in the comment editor. Here it is:

$events = $pages->find('template=calendar-post');
$grouped = [];
foreach ($events as $event) {
    $dayname = $datetime->date('%A', $event->Start_date);
    if (isset($grouped[$dayname])) {
        $grouped[$dayname][] = $event;
    } else {
        $grouped[$dayname] = [$event];


             <div class="tabs movies">
                    <!-- Events by day START -->
                        <?php foreach ($grouped as $dayname => $eventsingle): ?>
                                <a href="#<?= $dayname ?>"><?= $dayname ?></a>
                        <?php endforeach;?>
                        <!-- Events by day END -->

                        <li class="date"><span>Wednesday, 8 March</span>
                    <!-- Events by day END -->

                    <?php foreach ($grouped as $dayname => $eventsingle): ?>
                    <div id="<?= $dayname ?>">

                        <!-- EVENT START -->
                        <?php foreach ($eventsingle as $p): ?>
                        <div class="row movie-tabs">
                            <div class="col-md-2 col-sm-3">
                                <a href="<?=$p->url?>"><img alt="Movie title" src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>assets/images/movie-6.jpg"></a>
                            <div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9">
                                <span class="title">Action, Adventure, Fantasy</span>

                                <h3 class="no-underline"><?=$p->title?></h3>

                                <?=$sanitizer->truncate($p->body, 150);?>
                                <p><a class="arrow-button" href="<?=$p->url?>">Beri več</a></p>
                                <div class="row">
                                    <div class="col-md-8 col-sm-9">
                                        <hr class="space-10">
                                        <span class="viewing-times"><i class="material-icons">access_time</i> Viewing times</span> <span class="time past">14:45</span> <span class="time">18:30</span> <span class="time">20:30</span> <span class="time">24:45</span>

                                    <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-3 running-time">
                                        <hr class="space-10">
                                        105 mins <span class="certificate">15</span>
                        <?php endforeach ;?>
                        <!-- EVENT END --> 

                    <!-- Events by day END -->
                    <?php endforeach ;?>



What is $datetime? Also, what is $event->Start_date? That is to say, what types are they?

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hey, sorry for the formating, i did it so it doesn't look to much for the reader. 

"Start_date" is my datetime field that states the start of the event. 

$datetime was actualy some part of the code I found on the forum for showing the name of the day. I'm not a coder so maybe I'm completely wrong here. Not 100% sure what I'm doing... ? That is why I need some help with this. ?

thank you



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Yes, it's working great, only thing is that the days are now only in english. I have multilanguage site.

Tried "strftime("%A", strtotime($event->Start_date))" but ofc. it's not working. The days are in the right language but events are messed up as before.

Any ideas?

Thank you


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strftime() is deprecated, you shouldn’t use it anymore. You can use IntlDateFormatter to format localised dates:

$weekdayFormatter = new \IntlDateFormatter('es_CO', \IntlDateFormatter::FULL, \IntlDateFormatter::NONE, null, null, 'eee');
$events = $pages->find('template=calendar-post');
$grouped = [];
foreach ($events as $event) {
    $dayname = $weekdayFormatter->format($event->getUnformatted('Start_date'));
    $grouped[$dayname][] = $event;

I wouldn’t really do this because you may get unexpected results and maybe even characters that are illegal in URL fragments (?). For example with de_DE you’ll get “Mo.” and “Lun.” with es_CO. I would probably keep the URL fragments English and have a second localised string. Also, the method above will only give you days that actually have events, so maybe pre-populate the $grouped array with all 7 days.

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Try this?

$events = $pages->find('template=calendar-post');

// populate dayname according to user’s language
$grouped = [
	'Mon' => (object)['events' => [], 'dayname' => 'Ponedeljek'],
	'Tue' => (object)['events' => [], 'dayname' => 'Torek'],
	'Wed' => (object)['events' => [], 'dayname' => 'Sreda'],
	'Thu' => (object)['events' => [], 'dayname' => 'Četrtek'],
	'Fri' => (object)['events' => [], 'dayname' => 'Petek'],
	'Sat' => (object)['events' => [], 'dayname' => 'Sobota'],
	'Sun' => (object)['events' => [], 'dayname' => 'Nedelja']
foreach ($events as $event) {
    $dayname = date('D', $event->getUnformatted('Start_date'));
    $grouped[$dayname]->events[] = $event;

<div class="tabs movies">
    <!-- tab buttons -->
    <?php foreach ($grouped as $anchor => $day): ?>
            <a href="#<?=$anchor?>"><?=$day->dayname?> (<?=count($day->events)?>)</a>
    <?php endforeach;?>
    <!-- /tab buttons -->

    <!-- tab contents -->
    <?php foreach ($grouped as $anchor => $day): ?>
    <div id="<?=$anchor?>">
        <?php foreach ($day->events as $p): ?>
        <div class="row movie-tabs">
            <div class="col-md-2 col-sm-3">
                <a href="<?=$p->url?>"><img alt="Movie title" src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>assets/images/movie-6.jpg"></a>
            <div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9">
                <span class="title">Action, Adventure, Fantasy</span>

                <h3 class="no-underline"><?=$p->title?></h3>

                <?=$sanitizer->truncate($p->body, 150);?>
                <p><a class="arrow-button" href="<?=$p->url?>">Beri več</a></p>
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-md-8 col-sm-9">
                        <hr class="space-10">
                        <span class="viewing-times"><i class="material-icons">access_time</i> Viewing times</span> <span class="time past">14:45</span> <span class="time">18:30</span> <span class="time">20:30</span> <span class="time">24:45</span>

                    <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-3 running-time">
                        <hr class="space-10">
                        105 mins <span class="certificate">15</span>
        <?php endforeach ;?>
    <?php endforeach ;?>
    <!-- /tab contents -->


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