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Table name field should limit character length to avoid error


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Only a very very minor thing, but it would be nice if the field name input was restricted to 58 characters (64 for the mysql limit less the 6 for the 'field_' prefix that gets prepended), so that we don't get an error message and have to fill everything out again.

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Actually it turns out that this is a little more annoying than I realized. Even though the table won't create because of the length of the name, the field does actually get created. And when you go to delete the field you get another error:

Session: Incorrect table name 'field_very_very_very_very_long_table_name' DROP TABLE `field_very_very_very_very_long_table_name`

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I know it seems silly to be creating them that long - they started getting so long due to my adding prefixes referencing the template and page they belonged on. This was before I figured out tags etc, so I am back to reasonable lengths again now.

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Hi Soma,

I am developing a web app based on user data submissions so there are many different parameters that need to be collected - these are then the basis for generating a variety of dynamic outputs - tables, graphs, maps etc. There might be a more efficient way to do what I am doing, but I think in this case there is no opportunity to re-use these anymore than I am already, which is for each user submission.

If you have any general tips, I'd love to hear them.


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