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Hello there

I'm newbie so be patient :)

I need to set up a website for real estate company, whose need is to add a building, and for each building *many* apartments. Each apartment has a ID, features and so on. It this feasible with PW? If so, do you have any suggestion?

Keep in mind that although each apartment is different, they have pretty much in common, so the problem for the person who's entering data, is to have the task as easy as possible (i.e. replicating the data already entered with a button and so on).

Thank you very much

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HI and Welcome Manaus!

Yep, I would say ProcessWire is perfect for this.

You need to break this down into two sections:

  • How you detail each apartment
  • How you list/categorise them

To start with, as Ryan loves pointing out (quite correctly) the page system of parents and children is really a category system - ready to go. Having said that, you may not want everything as part of a menu - especially if there is huge amounts of this!

But that is no problem. Using the API it is very easy to group pages under "hidden" pages (they are published but not viewable) and then write increadibly easy code in your template files to retrieve them

I do news systems like this.

Since, apart from the page hierarchy, there is no built in Category system, you can simply create your own,

So, you could create sets of pages (which will be your categories) that are buildings.

You could also create another set that are apartment size

You could create another that is price range.

If you check out the ProcessWIre skyscraper demo, that does pretty much what you are after.

When it comes to information - you can create whatever fields you want for a template. So you can make the data entry side very ridged. 

You can create selects using groups of pages (trust me, it is the best way) if you want to restrict how data is entered, you can use the Thumbnails image plugin to create exact size images and then spin them off into galleries - really anything you want.

You may want to look at:

Skyscraper demo: http://processwire.com/demo/

A reasonably comprehensive getting started tutorial: http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Basic_Website_Tutorial

An article about using pages as select fields: http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Page_Field

And obviously, keep asking question here.

Good luck

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