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ProcessWire Pro Cache - Now Available


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With Drupal I tested the boost module (I think it's similar to ProCache?) and caching to ram with Varnish. Both works fine (guests only). With Varnish also images, JS, CSS can be cached (also logged in users if cookie removed via Varnish config).

If all cached pages (with the images/ files) saved to a cache directory maybe a tmpfs could make it even faster?

I keep ProCache in my mind if I need a caching solution ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
With Varnish also images, JS, CSS can be cached (also logged in users if cookie removed via Varnish config).

A ram cache is something completely different from ProCache. ProCache takes dynamically generated ProcessWire pages and converts them to static assets, so that they can be served directly by Apache (bypassing PHP and MySQL). Though that's the easy part. The biggest job is managing when those assets get deleted and/or re-created. Files like images, JS, CSS are already static assets (usually). I could be wrong, but I don't think that the hard drive is usually a bottleneck on most web servers. So I'd think minification and optimizing your client-side cache settings in htaccess, and then considering a CDN would be things I'd probably look at before a ram cache. ProCache is going to deliver the biggest performance benefit over any of these though, as it is minimizing or eliminating the biggest bottleneck on a dynamically generated site (PHP and MySQL). 

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  • 3 months later...

ProCache version 2.0.0 (now in beta, available in the ProCache board) adds these new features:

Multi-host support

If you've got multiple hostnames pointing at your ProcessWire site, now you can cache them separately. 


SSL / HTTPS support

ProCache will now optionally cache HTTPS requests separately from HTTP requests. 


Switch to PDO queries

Previous versions of ProCache used MySQLi. This new version now uses PDO, consistent with ProcessWire 2.4.0. This improves performance when generating and maintaining caches. 



ProCache 2.0 requires ProcessWire 2.4.0 or newer. ProCache 1.x still supports previous versions of ProcessWire.

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