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Does PW have a Review Module?


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It doesn't, but that's not a problem.

You can build any structure you like - everything is based around custom fields and it only takes a short space of time, so the beauty of it is that you end up with exactly what you want rather than what a module (assuming you mean like modules with other CMS's)  might force you to have. This means you can add any addtional fields you might like and so on.

Can you describe what you want to achieve or point us to an example elsewhere and we can give you a few pointers.

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It's possible he's talking about the comments module. All the review systems I've built on other sites are simply the comments module, except that I name my field "reviews" when I create it. When generating the output, I also override the headlines to refer to reviews rather than comments, etc. 

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Yes, I'm talking about the comments module, but not just that - I'd also like to be able to rate an entry without posting an associated comment.

So basically what I'm looking for is to give my visitors the ability to write a review/comment and then also select ratings for the different aspects of the subject discussed. If they just want to submit ratings and don't like to write a review/comment I'd also like to give them that option, so adding a comment should preferably not be mandatory.

Is this possible to create with PW?

P.S. I'm coming from EE.

Oh by the way, what about threaded comments? Or even better, threaded comments and reviews mixed together? For example someone posts a review and then another users wants to ask that reviewer a (threaded) question about his review... Is that possible? That would be great.

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Is this possible to create with PW?

Anything is possible. :) In this case, someone would create a plugin module to do it. The existing Comments module would probably be a good base to build from, for that particular need.

Oh by the way, what about threaded comments? Or even better, threaded comments and reviews mixed together? For example someone posts a review and then another users wants to ask that reviewer a (threaded) question about his review... Is that possible? That would be great.

The Discussions module may be similar. Since it is built on Pages, any other fields (like rating) can presumably be added without much trouble. The Comments module could also be extended fairly easily to support threaded comments (with some development). Though personally, I'm not a fan of threaded comments... the only one I've found tolerable is Disqus. 

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The nice thing about threaded comments, from a development standpoint, is that they are easy to achieve. They are the same as regular comments, but with the addition of an optional "parent" for each comment. So one could take a flat comments system and make it threaded, without much effort. 

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