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Tabs on top of repeater's sets?


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I would like implement a feature what I would call "flexible content elements", a functionality which TYPO3 has for ages. Basically, it should be possible for my clients to set up longer pages which contain a header, then a paragraph with a picture on the left with some caption and a link to picture as a download, then maybe a picture on the right, then some tables, then again a paragraph and so on... Every element could be used one or more times, and should be ordered by drag and drop.

So far, repeater fields can do the job, but they are not ideal when it comes to clarity und user friendliness. I guess it could be better if there is a possibility to set up some tabs on top of these repeated data sets, like it could similarly be done with the field "FieldsetTabOpen". But "FieldsetTabOpen" puts the tabs on top of the whole page, not on top of each of the repeater's data set.

I hope I could made it clear what I would like to achieve...

Thanks for any hints and suggestions

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Not really answering your queston, but I just tested using the tab fields on the repeaters (I imagine it wouldn't work, but was curious) and this is what happens.


Ryan, wouldn't be too difficult to move those tabs inside the correspondant repeater on the module, right? If not in php, maybe with js.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ryan, wouldn't be too difficult to move those tabs inside the correspondant repeater on the module, right? If not in php, maybe with js.

At present, tabs aren't designed for inline use like this. The jQueryWireTabs module is largely in JS and I'm sure it's possible. But would probably require a major rewrite of the module to support that need. 

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