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[SOLVED] create field and add to template


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Hey there,
Iam working on a module (that extends FieldtypePageTable) that needs some fields to work. I want to create those fields and add them to a template automatically via api. To create and add the fields I use the "Pages::added" hook. I only want to add the field if the page that is created also has a "FieldtypePageTableExtendedGrid" field. I have a working example that uses a hard coded template name to check for the right template, but this approach would need the user to stick to the naming, wich I would like to avoid. Here is my code so far:

$this->addHookAfter('Pages::added', function(HookEvent $event) {
        $page = $event->arguments(0);
        $fields = wire('fields');
        if($page->template == 'main_grid') { // would like to avoid hard coded template name

     	 if(!$fields->get('pgrid_settings_style_large')) {
            $field = new Field;
			$field->type = $this->modules->get("FieldtypeTextarea");
			$field->name = "pgrid_settings_style_large";
			$field->label = $this->_("Style Large");
			$field->tags = 'pgrid';
            if(!$page->hasField('pgrid_settings_style_large')) {
            $field = $fields->get('pgrid_settings_style_large');
            $template = $page->template;

 Maybe I need another hook? I tried a before "InputfieldPageTable::render" hook with no success. Any help would be appreciated!

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I found a post on how to check if a field type is present. Now it seems to work great:

 // add style fields
       $this->addHookAfter('Pages::added', function(HookEvent $event) {
        $page = $event->arguments(0);
        $fields = wire('fields');
         // add fields only if FieldtypePageTableExtendedGrid is inside template
         foreach ( $page->fields as $field ) {

		if ( $field->type instanceof FieldtypePageTableExtendedGrid ) {
		 if(!$fields->get('pgrid_settings_style_large')) {
            $field = new Field;
			$field->type = $this->modules->get("FieldtypeTextarea");
			$field->name = "pgrid_settings_style_large";
			$field->label = $this->_("Style Large");
			$field->tags = 'pgrid';
            if(!$page->hasField('pgrid_settings_style_large')) {
            $field = $fields->get('pgrid_settings_style_large');
            $template = $page->template;



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Small remarks. You should break the loop when work is done:

foreach ($page->fields as $field) {
    if ( $field->type instanceof FieldtypePageTableExtendedGrid ) {
        // ...

Another approach without loop. Fields is an instance of WireSaveableItems providing a find($selector) function:

$selector = implode('|',$fields->find('type=FieldtypePageTableExtendedGrid')->each('name'));
if ($page->hasField($selector)) {
    // ... do something


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13 hours ago, kixe said:

You should break the loop when work is done:

foreach ($page->fields as $field) {
    if ( $field->type instanceof FieldtypePageTableExtendedGrid ) {
        // ...

This assumes only one field of type FieltypePageTableExtendedGrid is present on the page, no? ? 

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2 hours ago, kongondo said:

This assumes only one field of type FieltypePageTableExtendedGrid is present on the page, no? ? 

If minimum one field is present in the template the other field should be created/ added. No need to go on with the loop.

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45 minutes ago, kixe said:

If minimum one field is present in the template the other field should be created/ added. No need to go on with the loop.

Of course, you are right. I should have read the requirements more carefully :-)

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