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Image variations keep being (re-)generated


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Hey everyone, I have a weird one. Somehow my image variations keep being regenerated, instead of served directly.
The variations that are requested are in fact already present, but still get overwritten by (identical!) files upon page load, making everything rather tedious and slow.

Permissions from config.php are set to default:

	$config->chmodDir = '0755'; // permission for directories created by ProcessWire
	$config->chmodFile = '0644'; // permission for files created by ProcessWire

Files before loading the page, notice the time of the requested variations is 14:14:


Same folder after loading the page just now (14:24): 


Some background: I'm currently implementing my standard technique (using the RestApi module to output json) on an older but updated site (3.0.148), running on PHP 7.2.22 (MAMP Pro), while still in (local) development. 

My image parser function is pretty basic:

	public static function parseImage(PageImage $image)
        $settings = [
            'sharpening' => 'medium',
            'cropping' => false,
            "quality" => 95

        $sizes = [
            "L" => [
                "width" => 1500,
                "height" => 1500,
                "settings" =>  $settings,
            "M" => [
                "width" => 750,
                "height" => 750,
                "settings" =>  $settings,
            "S" => [
                "width" => 320,
                "height" => 320,
                "settings" =>  $settings,

        // get orientation
        if ($image->width > $image->height) {
            $orientation = 'landscape';
        } else {
            $orientation = 'portrait';

        $resulting_image =
                'name' => $image->name,
                'description' => self::parseLanguageField($image->description),
                "focus" => "{$image->focus()["left"]}% {$image->focus()["top"]}%",
                'original' => [
                    'src' => $image->url,
                    'width' => $image->width,
                    'height' => $image->height,
                    'orientation' => $orientation,

        foreach ($sizes as $sizeName => $size) {
            $img = $image->size($size["width"], $size["height"], $size["settings"]);
            $resulting_image[$sizeName] = $img->url;

        return $resulting_image;

With (for the image above) the following output once rendered as JSON:

"image": {
	"name": "cirkels_oo.jpg",
	"description": [],
	"focus": "50% 50%",
	"original": {
		"src": "/site/assets/files/2823/cirkels_oo.jpg",
		"width": 300,
		"height": 240,
		"orientation": "landscape"
	"L": "/site/assets/files/2823/cirkels_oo.1500x1500.jpg",
	"M": "/site/assets/files/2823/cirkels_oo.750x750.jpg",
	"S": "/site/assets/files/2823/cirkels_oo.320x320.jpg"

Any ideas on what might be going on? Probably missing something very obvious here..

EDIT: I tried explicitly including 'forceNew' => false in the settings, but that gave the same result

Edited by eelkenet
Tried forceNew
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On 5/28/2020 at 2:30 PM, eelkenet said:

$img = $image->size($size["width"], $size["height"], $size["settings"]);

What exactly is the resulting settings or options here with the size call?

Have a look at it with: https://processwire.com/api/ref/pageimage/get-debug-info/

// instead of
// $img = $image->size($size["width"], $size["height"], $size["settings"]);
// call
$debuginfo = $pageimage->getDebugInfo($size["settings"], 'string');  // 'string' | 'array' | 'object'
// and inspect the $debuginfo with Tracy or a var_dump()


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Thanks for your replies guys! Here is the output when outputting all the debugInfo inside the JSON.
What seems interesting to me is that every variation seems to refer to itself as the original? That could be something maybe?

 The weird thing is, I use this exact same technique on a lot of sites and never had this issue. So I would guess it's some configuration setting somewhere that might be off. 



    "image": {
        "name": "cirkels_oo.jpg",
        "description": [],
        "focus": "50% 50%",
        "original": {
            "src": "/site/assets/files/2823/cirkels_oo.jpg",
            "width": 300,
            "height": 240,
            "orientation": "landscape"
        "debug": {
            "L": {
                "thumb": "<img src='/site/assets/files/2823/cirkels_oo.jpg' style='max-width:120px; max-height:120px;width:100px; height:auto;' alt='' />",
                "files": {
                    "original": "{SELF}",
                    "basename": "cirkels_oo.jpg",
                    "url": "/site/assets/files/2823/cirkels_oo.jpg",
                    "filename": "/Users/eelke/Documents/Werk/Server/janvaneyck/site/assets/files/2823/cirkels_oo.jpg",
                    "created": "2020-03-12 17:08:20",
                    "modified": "2020-03-12 17:08:20",
                    "filemtime": "2020-04-29 12:34:22",
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        "M": "/site/assets/files/2823/cirkels_oo.750x750.jpg",
        "S": "/site/assets/files/2823/cirkels_oo.320x320.jpg"



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