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We launched today our first pw site: http://lukio.fi

It is website for high school / college students association in Finland. Site is only in Finnish.

This was pretty hectic project: build on few coding days in time period of little over two weeks. In feature wise there are 25 templates and about 30 fields and this is build on latest version of P21. Site is pretty much blog based, but also features sections for image galleries with tag clouds (http://lukio.fi/kuvat/), Simple FAQ (http://lukio.fi/opiskelijakortti/palvelut-ja-neuvonta/), simple poll (front page), tiny "personality test" (http://lukio.fi/jutut/unelma-automaatti/). Also site pulls data from other web service and displays it: http://lukio.fi/opiskelijakortti/edut/5/ (they keep that "member discounts" data in their member registry) etc.

We have some nice and simple features for content editors: those blocks on right side are defined only once and can be picked (through page reference) where-ever you want (some of those have dynamic content, others are just text & links). Featured image visibility on blog post page can be toggled etc...

We also use markupCache module on few places (footer links & tagcould) - I really like that module. Super simple to use.

Client is loving the site and pw. There were two other companies involved (Vapa Media is behind the concept & content, KWD digital has done visuals). From our company my colleague did most of the html&css (actually, there is some of the demo site css still - we started in hurry :)), I did all the coding (php, js) and some of the html & css.

Still in need of some finishing touches, but overall pw was great platform for this project and I really enjoyed developing it. Best part is that I could say "yes, let's do it" to every request that client had and we still managed to release it on time.

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Fantastic site! Thanks for describing the different parts and how you built it. Also to the best of my knowledge, this is also the first P21 site. This is my new favorite ProcessWire site even though I can't read it. :) Great work!

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Hi, apeisa. Very nice website. And it's fast!! May I ask how much powers in terms of CPU/memory it demands? Maybe you can unveil some other specs ;)

One more thing. Is that blue right-hand block (LIITY TOIMITUSKUNTAAN) intentionally wider then right-hand column?

edit: viewed it in Chrome v11


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Hi, apeisa. Very nice website. And it's fast!! May I ask how much powers in terms of CPU/memory it demands? Maybe you can unveil some other specs ;)

Thanks for the compliments. It's running on very modest virtual server at the moment (don't remember the specs now). There is few other php apps running on the same server and all in all it's taking very little resources. But good performance is sum of many things: bandwidth, server specs, backend coding, http server conf and most important: front-end coding. There is many little details that I will work on to make it even snappier (like expires headers, combining js etc).

In my opinion pw is very lightweight cms. Of course it depends how you use it, but in basic usage I haven't found any slow queries or things like that. But I think that Ryan would probably know much better how pw compares in performance wise?

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