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Can't stay logged in

BFD Calendar

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Since a few weeks I have problems staying logged into ProcessWire admin. Behaviour is quite random, sometimes I can't even edit one field without being sent to the login page. Sometimes I manage to stay logged in for a few minutes, sometimes longer. It happens with different browsers, computers, operating systems. On same computers my other sites work fine.

ProcessWire 3.0.98 at https://www.birthfactdeathcalendar.net

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 * sessionExpireSeconds: how many seconds of inactivity before session expires
$config->sessionExpireSeconds = 172800; 
 * ADDED - session.cookie_lifetime: how many seconds of inactivity before cookie expires
ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 86400);
 * sessionChallenge: should login sessions have a challenge key? (for extra security, recommended) 
$config->sessionChallenge = true; 
 * CHANGED - sessionFingerprint: should login sessions be tied to IP and user agent? 
 * More secure, but will conflict with dynamic IPs. 
$config->sessionFingerprint = 2; 


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