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ProcessWire Logo


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I finally got processwire to run on my server.

I only have one problem at the moment, I can't get to the modules page but I will hit up my support on monday.

I wanted to change the Processwire Logo or better the whole theme for my webpage but somehow I don't know how to do it.

I can't find anything where I can change the theme of my page.

Maybe I am just to stupid for that.

Thank you for your help.

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Hi there

This page explains how ProcessWire's front-end templates work (what your site looks like): http://processwire.com/api/templates/

If you meant changing how the admin area works then click on te Modules link at the very top of this page and there is a section in the Modules directory just for admin themes.

You will have to have some basic HTML knowledge in order to change the look of your front-end templates but as many people here can confirm you don't have to have much/any PHP knowledge to get started - just a willingness to learn the basics :)

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If you're looking for a WordPress like theme switch: there isn't one. If you're looking for a quick theme switch, I would seriously reconsider using this CMS. The strength of ProcessWire is that it is fully customizable. But since it requires (some) coding from the developer/designer point of view that's also it's weakness considering a plug-and-play CMS. You can't simple install a theme and switch to another one.

The upside is that here a really friendly community who can help you start coding. Besides it's not as daunting as it may seems. I've learned a lot here.

Read some forum posts before coding anything. Working with ProcessWire needs a little bit of unthinking. With unthinking I mean you have to unlearn all the stuff you've learned from previous CMS'es.

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thanks to you all.

the small project walkthrough really helped me.

now i got some questions:

is it possible to make a moving image gallery? and if yeah then how?

how do I change the background, font and font size?

how do I center stuff? text, images, etc.

and last but not least how do i make gifs work in the smaller size?!

and how can i use a image as titel?

thank you

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Hi Cupid

If you go to my new site (http://www.stonywebsites.co.uk) you will see the Bootstrap Carousel on the front page.

Basically, the template system is a completely open book. You are not restricted how you put your templates together since it is just normal page coding.

Effectively you need to do two things:

1. Go to the documentation and learn about "repeater" fields and how to get those going.

2. FInd whatever system you want to use and ... er ... well, use it. Unlike other CMS systems, you dont have to have it cleverly coded into some module first, you can just use it in the same way you would if you were creating a static html page with Javascript attached. The template page you need to create is your static page - just add the code for the slideshow.

Once you have done that, you then just need to call in the fields from the repeater using a foreach statement so you can loop through them.

For instance:

foreach($page->tbc_repeater as $carousel) { 

<div class="frontcarousel"><?php echo $carousel->tbc_body; ?></div>

<?php } ?>

In this case, I called my repeater field in the backend tbc_repeater and tbc_body was one of the fields I had as part of that repeater.

I have only been playing with PW for a week or so, and I am not a programmer of any sort at all, but the community here is great, so you will learn fast!

Good luck, and I hope that small hint helped.


PS: Since PW uses JQuery, I suggest you stick to jquery built plugins as much as possible, rather than adding another library. However, you may want to put the most recent version of jquery into your scripts folder, rather than the older one that is there. Joss

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