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Unique Private Photo Gallery With User Login


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onjegolders, I have created a login and members section based on your code that you detailed earlier. In my page structure, I have something like this:






The members page is basically a placeholder. When bob logs in he goes to www.example.com/members/bob/. The members page shows up in the menu as www.example.com/members/. 

What would I need to do to make the menu link for members point to www.example.com/members/bob/ when bob is logged in? And to www.example.com/members/andrew/ when andrew is logged in?

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Hi Andrew,

If I understand what you want correctly, you'd do something like this:

if ($user->isLoggedin()) { ?>

  <a href="<?php echo $config->urls->root; ?>members/<?php echo $user->name; ?>">Profile</a>

<?php }

That will depend on there being a members page which links up to the user page. 

Alternatively if you want the URL to be /members (without the name) then just make each member use the members template. And just check at the top of the members template that the current logged-in user's name matches the page->name

if ($user->name == $page->name) {

  echo "Welcome back" . $page->title;

} else {

  echo "Please login";


If it does, then you can safely output all the user/member's information.

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A private photo gallery with user login is something that is asked for many times. I think this thread about it should have a summary and placed in Tutorials or FAQ. If somebody, or I can find the time to start collecting all the posts holding code examples and try to make a tutorial out of it.

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onjegolders, thanks! That was exactly what I was looking for. And it ended up being pretty easy. I'm finally starting to understand php and pw.

I agree with you pwired. This does seem to be a frequently requested topic in the forums. 

Someone mentioned starting a repository of code snippets. Perhaps this could belong in there too.

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