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A terminal for running server commands:


NOTE: It does not support interactive commands like vi, nano, apt, etc. DO NOT attempt to use these as they may result in you needing to restart apache.

This is a bash terminal that lets you quickly execute commands on a server. In addition to normal commands like: ls, cd, cat, mkdir, rm, chmod, chown, etc, you can also do mysql command line calls which is very handy if you need to add a new user, create a mysqldump etc.

Note that for mysql commands you need to issue them individually - you can't simply start "mysql" and issue commands from there - each call needs to include your username and password and the command to be run, eg:

mysql -u root -p mypassword -e "CREATE DATABASE newtablename";

There is also an upload and download command, eg "upload test.txt" which will spawn a file selector dialog on your machine to upload that file to your server with the given name. It also has arrow up and down for command history as well as tab autocompletion of commands and file names.


This module was separated from Tracy because some shared hosts were flagging it as spam. This is because it uses system_exec to run server commands. This can certainly be dangerous, but in my opinion it is no more dangerous than the HannaCode module or the Tracy Console panel which both allow you to run system_exec. The key thing is that ProcessWire's htaccess rules prevent the shell.php file from being run directly and because this is a process module it uses PW's permissions to restrict usage to superusers.

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