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No option to "View" page


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I have created a template called "Blank-Page" which just has a "Title" field as I wanted to put some code in to create a full page video background, which I have created a file for.

I have applied the template to the page "Coming Soon" and there is no option to "View" the page. The other pages allow me to but this one.

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When go to your template (Blank-Page), you should see a yellow bar like this:


So, did you follow the hints from the two other variants of this question? Reading the docs, creating a template file named "Blank-Page.php" in your site/templates folder and placed your code there?

Edited by Autofahrn
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41 minutes ago, Autofahrn said:

Reading the docs, creating a template file named "Blank-Page.php" in your site/templates folder and placed your code there?

Here is a good one which I recommend for @Steve_Stifler to get started: https://www.pwtuts.com/processwire-tutorials/alternate-template-strategy-using-a-single-output-file/

I linked to this one this time because it also explains a simple strategy to get organized right from the beginning. The only thing I would do differently is that using relative paths in PHP can be cumbersome for beginners, so for example instead of this:

include("./views/{$page->template->name}" . ".php");

I would use:

include $config->paths->templates . "/views/{$page->template->name}" . ".php";


Edited by szabesz
typo in code
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OK guys, thanks for this. I have just realised I have been a bit lazy in not doing the tutorials first, more just finding something when I hit a road block. I've just had a look through the tutorial list. I've never seen a tutorial so organised and also right from the beginning.

I'm going to learn some stuff so I can give you guys something harder to help me with.

Thanks again Legends.


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