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How To Intercept <img> elements before page rendered


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Hi there,

I have images in fixed locations in certain templates but, images can also be inserted by the user in TinyMCE.

I would like to be able to wrap all images with extra markup before the page is rendered, whether they be specified in the template or whether they are inserted into a TextArea.

This sounds like API territory but would like to know the best approach, if anyone has ideas around this requirements.

Many thanks! :)

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Hi diogo

Thanks for the heads up - it's not so much as how to do it but how I intercept the markup before it's rendered. Javascript is a no go as the markup needs to be read by various bots so needs to be rendered in the markup server-side.


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In a autoload module you could hook the page render and replace all img tags.

public function init() {
 $this->addHookAfter('Page::render', $this, 'hookPageRender');

public function hookPageRender(HookEvent $event) {
 $out = $event->return;
 if(strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],$this->config->urls->admin) === 0 ) return;
 $img_regex = '%(<img.*/>|</img>)%ixU';
 $event->return = preg_replace($img_regex, "<div class='img'>$1</div>", $out);

If you want to only replace certain images in the body you could use some markers or a html parser like php simple html dom http://simplehtmldom.sourceforge.net/

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Hey Soma,

Thanks so much for your reply.

I've used simplehtmldom before and it's really, really good.

I guess I was trying to see what the PW way of doing this would be without the expense of firing up a third party tool and thanks to you, I now know! :)


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