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Right way of setting default data in class


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In different modules, I have seen these two ways how default data is set

	static public function getDefaultData()
		return array(
			"test" => "test"

	// first way
	public function __construct()
		foreach (self::getDefaultData() as $key => $value) {
			$this->$key = $value;

	// second way
		public function __construct()
		foreach (self::getDefaultData() as $key => $value) {
			$this->set($key, value);

Could somebody please explain what is the difference between them? 

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There is very little difference:


This one sets the property value directly. The $key is converted to a string (e.g. $this->myString = 'my value';)

$this->$key = $value;

This one uses the method set() to set both a key and a value for you. I'm not sure if the $key is manipulated in anyway behind the scenes, e.g make it 'property' friendly. I've had a quick look and couldn't find anything to that effect.

$this->set($key, value);


You can also do (Set a property using array access) :

$this[$key] = $value;



Reading your thread title, there is no right way. All ways are correct and are documented ?

Edited by kongondo
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