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Repeater image field returns null


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My page has a repeater field with several fields as well as an image.

In my module I tried to output all page fields.

        foreach($page->fields as $field) {
             if ($field->type instanceof FieldtypeRepeater) {
                foreach($page->{$field->name} as $repeater) {
                    foreach($repeater->fields as $rf) {
                        print $rf->name . ': ';

I got the following output:

title: string(0) ""
colors: object(ProcessWire\SelectableOptionArray)#497 (2) {
  array(1) {
content: string(0) ""
component_position: object(ProcessWire\SelectableOptionArray)#501 (2) {
  array(1) {
image: NULL
link_title: string(0) ""
link_url: bool(false)

However, shouldn't empty image field return

object(ProcessWire\Pageimages)#501 (1) { ["count"]=> int(0) } 


For example, when I use Custom Upload Names module it has these lines

elseif($field->type instanceof FieldtypeRepeater) {
                    foreach($editedPage->{$field->name} as $repeater) {

                        //make sure repeater item actually exists already, which is important when you have added items beyond those initially rendered.
                        //fixes this issue: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/1541
                        if(!$repeater->id) continue;

                        foreach($repeater->fields as $rf) {
                            if($rf->type instanceof FieldtypeFile) {
                                if(count($repeater->{$rf->name})) {
                                    foreach($repeater->{$rf->name} as $file) {
                                        if(!$file) continue;
                                        $files[$file->name] = $repeater->id.'|'.$rf->id; // add filename with respective repeater pageid and fieldid to array

and they output Pageimages (tried debugging by moving pages in admin), even if there is no image.

My Processwire version is 3.0.97.

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22 hours ago, AndZyk said:

Yes, when you try to output a image field from a module, hook or bootstrap script it is an array, even if you set it to single in the back-end. ?

Yes, the output format was the problem, but I still run it inside a module, but had to explicitly loop through Repeater fields and set output formatting to false.

Curious why it does not do by default, when I set the page formatting to false.

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