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php doesn't execute unless loaded in browser


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I have a page with a template that is purely intended for carrying out php tasks.

This page/url is called when certain objects in SalesForce are saved. The URL is called with a few GET variables.

To make sure that the URL with the GET variables is called, I write them to a log, and this works fine, except the php and ProcessWire code I've written doesn't execute.

Only once I visit the exact same URL that was written to the log in my browser, then the php and ProcessWire code executes perfectly, no errors.

I can't see any reason for this, and I'm not sure what to search for in order to sort this out. Can anyone give any ideas?

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PHP is a server-side scripting language, and sends the data to the client on page load. To get the script to run without a page view, you would need to set up a cron job. Cron jobs are used for scheduling tasks/scripts to run on the server. If you are using shared hosting, there is normally a tool  in the control panel for setting up and managing cron jobs.


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sorry, my original post may not be clear:

$contact = $pages->get("salesforce_id^=$sfid");
$location = $pages->get("template='pageLocation', contact=[salesforce_id^='$sfid']");

the top line $contact returns a processwire ID whether the URL is called by salesforce or by my browser.

$location does not return anything when salesforce calls it but returns a processwire ID when I call the URL in my browser.

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No, being logged in or not makes no difference. These two lines of code run at the same time. It just seems like a nested selector won't work unless the page is viewed in a browser.

I've managed to get it working with the following:

$contact = $pages->get("salesforce_id^=$sfid");
$location = $pages->get("template='pageLocation', contact=$contact");


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