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$session gets lost


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On my website the user is able to choose between to styles of a gallery. A gridview and a stripe view.

I want to store the choice during the whole session. 

So if the user chooses a style I do it like so:

$query = $_GET['view'];
        $session->set('view', $query);

So that's working pretty fine, but after a random number of menuclicks or reloads its gone. Sometimes it is stored for 10 -15 pageloads and sometimes it's gone after 2 loads,

Lifetime is set to 3600 in php.ini

session.gc_maxlifetime = 3600


This is how I look if it exists:   

 if($session->view == 'grid'){
        $session->set('view', $query);
    elseif($session->view == 'stripes'){
        $session->set('view', $query);


Can anyone point me in the right direction and tell me what I'm doing wrong or why $session gets lost?


Thanks in advance

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Welcome to the forums @eutervogel.

I have no idea why the sessions are disappearing. Sessions should also work for guest (aka not logged in users). Just want to suggest an alternative; cookies? Also, is it necessary to conditionally load the grid versus stripe views? Sometimes I find it easier to just load both views and using CSS and JS hide/show the views as per user request.

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