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[SOLVED] Images only appear when logged in as admin


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I'd searched the forums but only found answers for multilingual sites.
This is a non multilingual site.

I'm currently busy with a website but i't wont show the images like it does over here. (Only when I'm logged in as admin).
I looked at the roles of the Guest, and it seems that everything is ok.

Thanks in advance.



The field itself wasn't set to view for guests






Schermafbeelding 2017-07-01 om 14.49.33.png

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Just wondering, is this supposed to be commented out in the template?

<!-- echo "<li class='item'><a href='#' data-featherlight='#mylightbox" . $childIndex . "'><img id='mylightbox" . $childIndex . "' src='{$image->url}' class='image'></a><p class='worktitle' alt='worktitle'>$child->title</p><p class='omschrijving' alt='omschrijving'>$child->image_description</p><p class='formaat' alt='formaat'>$child->formaat</p></li>";  -->

I am not too familiar with the featherlight gallery, but I noticed an error in the console as well that "prototype" was undedefined in the .js file.

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16 minutes ago, louisstephens said:

Just wondering, is this supposed to be commented out in the template?

<!-- echo "<li class='item'><a href='#' data-featherlight='#mylightbox" . $childIndex . "'><img id='mylightbox" . $childIndex . "' src='{$image->url}' class='image'></a><p class='worktitle' alt='worktitle'>$child->title</p><p class='omschrijving' alt='omschrijving'>$child->image_description</p><p class='formaat' alt='formaat'>$child->formaat</p></li>";  -->

I am not too familiar with the featherlight gallery, but I noticed an error in the console as well that "prototype" was undedefined in the .js file.


Thanks for your reaction,

Yeah, thats a thing for myself. I need to add the description from fields underneath the lightbox image, but I can't get that fixed either :p.

So I commented it out for myself to play a bit with...


I looked at the console and commented that out, now the error is gone.

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