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Double forum links

Nico Knoll

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I'm not seeing the double links, but there is one unrelated issue I've been running into every day and might as well mention it because it's easy to show. It's a problem with indentation in any code listing.

Check out the following example: Each line is indented with the indicated number of spaces. Notice how IP.Board messes this up, causing endless problems formatting code examples: :)

0 spaces
1 space
 2 spaces
  3 spaces
4 spaces
 5 spaces
  6 spaces
   7 spaces
	8 spaces
	 9 spaces

Here's a screenshot of how it was entered:


No love for tabs in code examples either. But they are lost when pasted into this editor, as opposed to after submitting the message:

0 tabs
1 tab
2 tabs
3 tabs
4 tabs

Since code examples are such a big part of what we do here, I was wondering if IP.Board has any settings or plugin modules that would make it more code friendly?



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The isue with the double links was because there was an old copy of the forum theme still in the database - removed that now.

That indentation issue is very odd though. It might have been fixed in the latest version though so I'll check it locally when I get time.

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