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Do I need to add users ? (session->login problem)


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Newbie question here.

I'm rebuilding my existing website with PW, it's a game where people can guess the winners of races.

I used to have a "players" table. Those are registered players, I used to identify them through their login/password, and when it matches, I give them access to the website. No rocket science.

So now with PW, I'm building my sign-up form and I'm trying to create a new session when a new user sign up.

I'm retrieving user/pass from the sign-up form which has been posted before but :

if($session->login($user, $pass)) {
    // login successful
    echo "failed";

... fails everytime.

Do I have to use something like :

$u = new User();
$u->name = "bill";
$u->pass = "billpwd";

... before doing a session->login('bill', 'billpwd') ?? (I've just checked, it works, so I guess this is the good way to do it ?)

I already have my players table so perhaps I can have the minimum in the PW's table and keep my players info in my historical table ?

... Or I can add all information I need into PW but I'd like to understand where it is stored.

Last question, if there is a PW matching between "user" and "session", I need to give to the session->login function the password not hashed. I'm using the password_hash php function, any problem with that ?




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I'm answering to myself to a part of the question :

I've just discovered by dumping all the DB that a user is stored like a page, in the "pages" table, which is not too convenient if I want to dump my users table I guess.

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  On 1/16/2017 at 3:42 PM, Doc said:

... before doing a session->login('bill', 'billpwd') ?? (I've just checked, it works, so I guess this is the good way to do it ?)


The $session->login($user, $pass) is going to return a user object if the user exists and password is correct. Otherwise, the session call will fail. That's why creating the user before the login check works when registering the user. It's okay to build users on-the-fly as long as you sanitize and do your role/permission assignments, etc. If you have a separate login form from the registration form, use one to create and login the user while the other simply logins in. I don't think you'll need to use any extra hashing, PW will compare the hashed value of the supplied password to that stored in the database.

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Thanks @Mindfull.

Actually I sanitize everything before creating the user, on the fly as you said. That wasn't obvious for me to have to create the user before the session login returns OK.

I won't add any extra hashing but I keep only the minimum info (username/password/email) on the PW DB and have another table to store everything I need for my players. Also it's easier to have all the player's information in one table for me, export is easier too.

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