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PageAutoComplete fieldtype and hidden pages bug


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I've been trying to use the PageAutoComplete fieldtype to connect some autors (teachers and students) to a particular work, but allowing to set unpublished (or hidden) student and teacher pages as well. For that, I've established a filter:

template=teacher|student, include=all


return $pages->filter("template=teacher|student, include=all")

In any other compatible fieldtype, it works just as it should, using php code or just the selector, showing me every teacher/student. But using the PageAutoComplete, it never finds the hidden or unpublished pages.

Is it a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?

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Okay I think I tracked down what the issue was. Looks like ProcessPageSearch just didn't support include=hidden directives in the AJAX query. I've updated it so that it does, if you want to try the latest. Let me know if this works from that end too?

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