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Possible Bug: Can't save with Image Field in Repeater


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I have a problem on my production web server (All inkl, Germany). I can not save pages with a Repeater and an Image inside there. Firefox says: "Error: Connection interrupted". Nothing in the ProcessWire-Logs.

The Problem only appers, if the Repeater-Field ist loaded/opened. Otherwise everything is ok.

Has anybody an idea, how I can narrow down the problem?

PW 3.0.22 (and 17), PHP 7.0.6


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Hi sekru,

Do you have the possibility to test - maybe on a local dev server - another version of PHP ?

I try to reproduce your issue without success. The repeater with an image field inside work as expected on PW-3.0.22 / PHP 5.5. I will try later on a PHP-7 version as I dont have any dev server at this moment..

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How long tooks it until it interrupts the connection?

Does it also interrupt if you use the default PHP version of that server, this what is bundled as apache_module and not a one of the cgi versions?

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Cache and cookies are not the problem. Same error ( ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE ) in Google Chrome.

It took only half of a second till the connection is "interrupted".

I tested it with PHP 5.6 (modul), PHP 5.6 (CGI) and PHP 7 (CGI). It's always the same.

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Hey Sekru,

Have you checked your server permissions? I have had similar issues using MAMP a month ago. At least in my case, the issue was due to hosting the site folder via MAMP on an internal server (set up on windows). I noticed that the permissions set on the internal server were overriding my linux hosting permissions. Even though I had the server set to 777 in MAMP, the windows server were not actually granting these permissions. I understand that my case might be a really odd one, but it is worth looking into.

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