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Modify inserted image HTML in CKEditor pwimage plugin


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Is it possible to add custom functionality to the existing pwimage CKEditor plugin?

In the CKEditor textarea field we are trying to customize the inserted HTML source when we insert an image. The generated HTML source of the inserted image comes from insertImage() function of pwimage plugin. We want to edit this source before inserting into the textarea.

Do you have any idea how can we do it?

Thank you for the help!

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Under the Input Tab of the fieldsettings of your CKEditor Field you have an option to modify 'Extra allowed Content'. As an example, put in here the string


and save settings. Now you can modify the listet attributes of the image tag in the 'source' dialog of the CKEditor field.
But you need to modify it for each input. Was it this, you have been looking for?

I f you want to use a normal Textarea Input use the textformatters Adrian recommended. Additionally I recommend Diogos Image Textformatters:


a great and highly configurable textformatter is Ryans Hanna Code Textformatter

and finally mine:
Very simple to insert images with tags. The output markup, wrapping the image tag, is configurable in the textformatter module settings.


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