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Problem with images->removeAll() - Bug?


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hi everyone,

can you please confirm that i'm not doing anything wrong with this:

// filename for generated pdf
$filename = 'sticker' . date('ymdHis') . '.pdf';
$path = wire('config')->paths->files . $page->id . '/';
$filename = $path.$filename;

    '<div style="font-size: 10pt;">TEST ' . date('H:i:s') . '</div>',
    29, 53, 67, 1

$mpdf->Output($filename, 'F');


this code works, but as soon as i change the filename to a static value (like sticker.pdf without the timestamp) after the second creation of the file (= first overwrite of an existing file) the sticker field will hold a 0 byte file with name "sticker.pdf" and i get the error

Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for /var/www/.../site/assets/files/1030/sticker.pdf in /var/www/.../wire/core/Pagefile.php on line 324
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Any chance it has to do with where you are generating the pdf? I would do it in a temp directory first - I think there is likely a conflict with saving it to the assets/files/xxxx folder of the page and then adding it to the same page.

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ah, of course that was the problem! i had a save() directly after the removeAll() but that didn't make any difference. but adrian got me on the right track:

  • removeAll()
  • save()
  • createPDF()
  • add()
  • save()
// early return when no valid page object
if(!$page->id) return false;

// get mpdf instance
$pdf = $this->modules->get('WirePDF');
$mpdf = $pdf->mpdf;

// filename for generated pdf
$filename = 'sticker.pdf';
$path = wire('config')->paths->files . $page->id . '/';
$filename = $path.$filename;

    '<div style="font-size: 10pt;">TEST ' . date('H:i:s') . '</div>',
    29, 53, 67, 1

$mpdf->Output($filename, 'F');

thank you both!

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Sure that will work, but I still think it's better to create the PDF in a temp directory :)

Also, just an FYI, building the path up using:

$path = wire('config')->paths->files . $page->id . '/';

is not ideal. This is better:


because it handles custom paths just in case you have $config->pagefileSecure set to true, or if you have $config->pagefileExtendedPaths true.

But still if you are using a temp dir, then this won't matter anymore :)

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