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Prevent all caps?


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How do you guys deal with editors (or regular users via front-end form submissions) who have their CAPS LOCK key enabled and merrily type in entire paragraphs in uppercase letters as if there's no tomorrow? I don't know why people do this, this drives me crazy  >:(

Do you detect it on the front end with JS and throw a warning, or "process it in post-production" with something like ucwords(strtolower($foo))?

I thought that some simple instructions at the start of the form would be enough, but there's always someone who doesn't read them or just doesn't care. 

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Depends a bit on the actual use-case / scenario. If it's a typical article comments feature, I'd say have an admin review the comments before publishing.

A JS or PHP solution is probably not going to work in 100% of all cases - if someone lists capitalized terms / company names like IBM, HTML, BMW or some such - that's not necessarily shouting or spam, but valid input.

ucwords() would certainly not be the perfect cure; I only ever use it for (english language) titles. For german or french, that would be useless even for titles / headings, because it's not formatted like in english...

If that's a real problem, I'd probably look into some regex magic and block form submission, if >x% of the entire text is uppercase, but I'm by no means a regex guru :D

Perhaps something simple as that might help:

    uc = str.replace(/[^A-Z]/g, "").length,
    total = str.length;

if(uc > (total/20)) {
   console.log("HEY COWBOY! WE'RE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE!"); // form submit false etc.
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If that's a real problem, I'd probably look into some regex magic and block form submission, if >x% of the entire text is uppercase, but I'm by no means a regex guru  :D

You don't need regex. You can test simply by converting the string to uppercase and then compare it with the original string:

if (strtoupper($str) === $str)

EDIT: Or in Js

if (string.toUpperCase() === string)
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