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Populate Select from another Select


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Hello, I was wondering if PW had a pay of populating as seconds select based on the first select within the admin pages? Basically have a a list of cruises and each cruise has a number of children.

What I would like to do is Select cruise in one dropdown and the date dropdown would list all the child dates. 

Is this possible our would I be better of creating a custom admin page for creating these bookings



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You could possibly use a PageField and using "Custom selector to find selectable pages" with the custom selector parent=page. I asked this recently and that's the best way to do it. 

For the actual dates - Is the date used as the title? if so that should be fine. If not use "Label field" and use your date field. This should give you a drop down with all the dates and selecting them will create that relationship with the cruise page.

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Hello Tom, 

Thanks for that. I cant see how that would work (Iam probably missing something.) I dont know what the parent page is until its selected then after that I need to get the children of that parent. 

Basically these booking pages (within the admin section) are separate from the cruises so I don't have a link between them.

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Thanks for you help guys I've had a change of direction as I seemed to be reinventing the wheel a little. Ive decided just to create the booking from the child in the first place.



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