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view tab in Pagetable elements


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Hi, in every page I have a View link.


But if I click on a page table elements I don't have this button to preview the page, I have only marked tabs in the image below


How can I enable this? Would be handy for preview pages before publishing.

Thank you

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From my knowledge a PageTable field is a more flexible replacement to the repeater field which allows multiple templates. So it wouldn't make sense for a view button to be there because you aren't viewing a page, but in fact a section of a page.

If you are looking to link pages together, why not use the Page field? This supports multi-select with the ability to click the selected to edit. It might be more along the lines of what you are looking for.

EDIT: Should also mention it lets you create the pages from this field too.

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Thanks both. In this context I'm using pagetable to allow manual reorder of news or events in the frontend using Fredi (so every items is a real standard page). My client prefer editing in the frontend and I thought about this way to provide this kind of feature. I tried also to standardize the way my client needs to edit almost any content.

I'm also using PageTableExtended but in this case I think his preview ability will be not so useful because I would prefer to preview in a separate view just to not complicate too much the list view.

Thank you!

P.S. BTW Great new front end additions in PW 3! 

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