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After blindly updating Ubuntu, I get 404s on all my localhost installations.


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I am currently using Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid
* Apache 2.4.10
* PHP 5.6.4-4ubuntu6.2
Over the past week or two, software updates have been coming every day.
Now, I know I should have been more careful and watchful of what gets updated. But now all my ProcessWire localhost installations are broken.
All reporting 404s. Admin URLs don't even display.
I added this to my vhosts.conf file:
	<Directory /home/me/www/testes.dev/public_html/>
		Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
		AllowOverride All 
		Order allow,deny
		allow from all


I went about my work, made some template changes and stuff. All works fine. Then today I start up again and the 404 errors are back.

Apache error log shows nothing.


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What is your document root set as in sites-enabled? You may need to set the basepath in your htaccess to match.


Is testes spelled correctly?

It is odd that an update would break a previously working configuration, but I don't know what they are updating. I have noticed an increase in updates to 14 recently, but haven't gotten any notices about security issues from various services.

On an unrelated note, I would change Indexes to -Indexes to prevent listing the directory contents, especially on a production server. If I remember correctly, apache will want you to specify either + or - for each item if you specify that flag for one item. In other words, if you use "-" on one option, you need to use either "+" or "-" on all others. So that line would look like

Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews

On another unrelated note :) I run ubuntu as well. How do you like 15? I'm running 14 LTS and haven't updated to 15.

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What is your document root set as in sites-enabled? You may need to set the basepath in your htaccess to match.


Is testes spelled correctly?


Contains all my virtually hosted projects.

Close to 18 of them.

This configuration has worked perfectly for me for years.

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One other thing. Have you upgraded from apache 2.2 to 2.4?

If so, there are a ton of things that have changed. See here http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/en/upgrading.html

[edit] I see that you are running 2.4

Start here...

<Directory /home/me/www/testes.dev/public_html/>
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
  AllowOverride All
  Require all granted

Notice the order deny allow has gone away.

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