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Get the 'running' page in hooked property.

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I'm trying to modify the property 'path' for a specific Page (User, actually) using the following code: 



public function modifyUserPagePath(HookEvent $event){

	$p = $event->object;

	if($p->template == "user" && $p->hasRole("ambassador")){



But i'm not able to retrieve the page that is currently running (as in, the page in the browser url).

Please note I'm also using the render() method to render subpages content. I don't need the subpages url but only the original $page requested.

Is there a pretty way to do this (besides looking it up via $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] )?

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If you need to add a hook only to the current page, you don't need to add it on all Page instances. Instead, you can attach it only to the current page instance:

$page = wire('page');
$page->addHookAfter('path', 'modifyUserPagePath');

Then you don't need your check for the template.

Where are you defining this hook? In an autoload module in the init() method?

Edited by Wanze
See LostKobrakai's post below
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  On 8/12/2015 at 3:56 PM, Wanze said:

If you need to add a hook only to the current page, you don't need to add it on all Page instances. Instead, you can attach it only to the current page instance.

While this is most of the time right it's not working in this case. You can only hook the path function for all pages, but not for single instances.

Edit: Link to Ryan's statement about the fact: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/1108#issuecomment-95933754

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  On 8/12/2015 at 4:35 PM, Wanze said:


Reading your question again, I think I didn't fully understand it before ;) You can grab the actual page with

$page = wire('page');

Hmm, sorry. That doesn't work. This still returns the User. To be clear:

I'm echoing $someUser->url on a 'normal' page/template. I want the hook to return the url from the 'normal' page appended with the name field for the user. I'm using urlSegments on the 'normal' template to receive the users name.

There are multiple 'normal' pages that can have the same user as a urlSegment (having them in a Page selecting field on the 'normal' template)

These are the some example values that I would like to return in the hook.

/just-a-page/john-doe/ (when the calling Page is "just-a-page")
/just-a-page/jane-doe/ (when the calling Page is "just-a-page")
/another-page/jane-doe/ (when the calling Page is "another-page")
/yet-another-page/lorem-subpage/john-doe/ (when the calling Page is "yet-another-page/lorem-subpage/")

Of course I could just use this in my 'normal' template:

echo $page->url.$theUser->name;

but I'm always trying to learn, so would like to use the Hook :)

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  On 8/13/2015 at 7:17 AM, MichaMichaMicha said:

but I'm always trying to learn, so would like to use the Hook :)

I'm not sure if this is such a good idea in this case, as hooking the path can be quite a performance hit, but maybe you could do it this way, so normal pages aren't hooked:

$this->addHookAfter("User::path", $this, "modifyUserPagePath");


public function modifyUserPagePath(HookEvent $event){

	$user = $event->object;
        $page = wire('page');


		$event->return = $page->url.$user->name."/";


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