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"pro" Support if agency license - multiple users possible?


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not sure if this is the right place, I have a question regarding the support for "pro" modules like FormBuilder.

Last year we purchased a single license, b/c we wanted to try out if this'll fit our needs. A few days ago we upgraded the license to the "big", the agency one. Maybe this was not too smart, since in about ten days our one year support will run out - it seems that with the "upgrade" we didn't prolong the support by another year. Anyways, that's not my actual point, but: Since we now have an "agency" license - how can I, as not being the user who originally purchased the single license, get access to the "pro" support forums?

I tried to contact via the "client area" in my profile, but requests there are only directed at the "sales" department, and they didn't respond as for now (I opened the request 2 days ago).

I have a problem with the FormBuilder and the date-select, which refuses to work and throws a jqueryUI-JS error even in the admin backend, so getting hints/support on how to debug this would really be… helpful :-)

so, sorry for the bother,


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@Webrocker the Agency support/upgrades period should last for 1-year, regardless of whether a renewal or not. If you find that not to be the case, please let me know and I'll update your account to correct that. Though I'm not sure which account we are talking about, as you mentioned it was one separate from yours? Also, to add you to the Agency support, just have the purchasing account send me a PM indicating what other accounts they want to be attached to the support, and I'll be happy to add. Thanks. 

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Hi Ryan,

thanks for the answer, I'll PM you regarding the purchase/licence. I have added @Webrocker to my "alternative" contact in the profile settings, but that did not "open" the proforum's door :-)

thanks for the work you put in all that!

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