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TinyMCE: Color picker suggesting colors from other pages/fields?


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I am using TinyMCE to add articles to my website. They are arranged in categories, each category has a specific colour (assigned via textfield on the processwire page corresponding to the category) which is used for each article that belongs to it.

Have a look: http://aglobalvillage.org/journal/issue6/planet/essay1/

It seems straight forward how to use the colour on all articles that are children of a category. But is there a simple way of using that colour in the TinyMCE field of the article? At the moment, you need to enter the hex code again and again to have some lines of the block quotes in colour, and it is not easy to change afterwards.

Is there a way that I can simply somehow mark in TinyMCE which line should be coloured, rather than applying the colour directly in TinyMCE?

Hope it is clear what my problem is.

Many thanks in advance,


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As I understand, you want to apply the color to emphasize those lines. I think it would be best to do it with css. So, just make those lines "Italic" on the text area, and colour them with css, based on the class of that article:

article.category1 em {color:'blue'};
article.category2 em {color:'red'};
article.category3 em {color:'green'};
article.category4 em {color:'yellow'};

EDIT: or choose "bold", or "underline" instead... but i would say that em is more semantic in this case

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To assign the class to your article, like the one in your link (a full page article) you could add the category name to your <body> tag.

<body class="<?php if($page->category) echo $page->category->name; ?>">

Then in your CSS file, you would do like what Diogo suggested:

body.climate #article em {
   background-color: #07ABBA; 
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Thanks for your replies!

I already have a field in the process wire admin defining the colour of the section, so I would prefer to use that one rather than defining it it the css file -- especially since new sections/categories will be added frequently.

Any idea how that would be possible?

Worst case, I maybe can process the $page->$tinymcecontent with PHP, searching for some predefined tags like [X] coloured text [XX] and replace them with some <span style="color: $page->parent->category_color">. But I am hoping there is a cleaner way of doing this!



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I would use internal style sheet, having it's value set dynamically. This would go into your template file (maybe in head, after you have loaded your normal css):

#article em {
   background-color: <?php echo $page->parent->category_color ?>;
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Though what could I do if I want to be able to use italic/bold/underline as well?

In this case, what you need is to create a custom button that will put <span class="custom"></span> around the content.

I know it's possible to do it in tinyMCE, but I wonder if it's possible by using the additional tinyMCE setting on each field, so you don't have to mess around with the module.

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  • 1 month later...

That additional settings field is where you can specify any additional TinyMCE settings that PW doesn't have dedicated config options for. These are the TinyMCE settings it's referring to: http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Configuration

So you could put this one one line in that additional settings field, as an example of specifying the theme_advanced_styles option in TinyMCE:

theme_advanced_styles:Header 1=header1;Header 2=header2;Header 3=header3;Table Row=tableRow1

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Edit any textarea field using TinyMCE. In the field editor, click the Input tab, then click 'TinyMCE Advanced Configuration Options'. Note the last field labeled 'Additional TinyMCE Settings'.

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Lars282, apeisa is right -- it looks like you have a version that's a few months old. If you put in the latest, you should see the extra field because it was added recently.

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