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How I record UTF-8 characters with the API?


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My database uses UTF-8 and to create pages from the administrator with fields with special characters (eg é or ñ) are handled smoothly.

But in trying to create pages with the API, the values are cut when find the first special character.

For example:

$ p-> name = "Pedro Pérez"; // With é


$ p-> name = $ sanitizer-> text ("Peter Pérez"); // With é

Are recorded "Pedro P" and the rest are lost

Any suggestions to resolve the situation?

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Something similar happens to me when I search a sentence with special characters.

If the field is of type text or text area, the search no returns any coincidence, if I search a sentence with special characters.

If the field type is text area and this used CKeditor, they match and return the correct values.

Any idea why this functionality behaves like this?

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I think the "name" database column on pages is special, and your same approach to the title field of a page should work perfectly.

"name" field serves as URL alias, and therefore needn't contain special characters in order to not break URLs.

I'm not sure on the search issue. Maybe connected to the way MySQL searches?

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Hi Wanze:

Thanks for your time.

This is my PHP test code, where I think I applied your suggestion, but I get the same results.

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');

$p = new Page();
$p->template = 'cita'; // 
$p->parent = wire('pages')->get('/agenda/'); 
$p->name = $sanitizer->name("Solicitud de cita 20150629082201"); 
$p->title = $sanitizer->text("Solicitud de cita de Pedro Pérez");
$p->cita_nombre = $sanitizer->text("Pedro Pérez"); 
$p->cita_edad = 45;
$p->cita_telefono = "22334455";
$p->cita_correo = "pedro_perez@hotmail.com";
$p->cita_tipo = $sanitizer->text("Nueva cita");
$p->cita_otros_detalles = $sanitizer->textarea("Presión alta");
$p->cita_dia_hora1 = $sanitizer->text("Lunes 4:00 p.m.");
$p->cita_dia_hora2 = $sanitizer->text("Miércoles 5:00 p.m.");
echo "La página {$p->id} fue creada!<br>";

All values are cut when find the first special character
Thanks in advanced
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I used the utf8_encode function and now the data is written correctly.

This is the modified test code, if is useful for someone.


header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');

$p = new Page();
$p->template = 'cita'; // 
$p->parent = wire('pages')->get('/agenda/'); 
$p->name = $sanitizer->name("Solicitud de cita 20150629082201"); 
$p->title = $sanitizer->text(utf8_encode("Solicitud de cita de Pedro Pérez"));
$p->cita_nombre = $sanitizer->text(utf8_encode("Pedro Pérez")); 
$p->cita_edad = 45;
$p->cita_telefono = "22334455";
$p->cita_correo = "pedro_perez@hotmail.com";
$p->cita_tipo = $sanitizer->text(utf8_encode("Nueva cita"));
$p->cita_otros_detalles = $sanitizer->textarea(utf8_encode("Presión alta"));
$p->cita_dia_hora1 = $sanitizer->text(utf8_encode("Lunes 4:00 p.m."));
$p->cita_dia_hora2 = $sanitizer->text(utf8_encode("Miércoles 5:00 p.m."));
echo "La página {$p->id} fue creada!<br>";



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