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Found 4 results

  1. I as have been a bit confused for some time about how the "Markup Regions" functionality in Processwire worked. But i have know read a bit more and think that i am getting to grips with it. And Markup Regions is going to be huge. To aid me in understanding Markup Regions better i started to read the Source code for the new "Regular" theme in conjunction with the Blog about the markup regions. It helped me a great deal to understand the basics and more fine details of it. A tip is to open both links and use the Source code of the "Regular" theme while reading the blog post. The Source code: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/dev/site-regular/templates/_main.php The Blog post: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.62-and-more-on-markup-regions/ Markup Regions in ProcessWire (New - 2022-09-08) https://processwire.com/docs/front-end/output/markup-regions/ I hope this could help others starting out with markup regions. Just take it slow and read it a couple a times and soon you will see the greatness of markup regions. /EyeDentify
  2. Here is the scenario. You have developed a blog or news site or blog section to your site and you have created a basic tag system using a Page Reference field. How can you add related articles easily? This is one way by using Hanna code. I like this method because it gives me the choice of showing or not showing related articles and choosing the tag. My articles use a template called basic-page which includes a Page Reference field called tags. This is a multiple select field. I have created a Hanna code called "tagsearch" and given it the attribute "tag". In my textarea field it is used thus: [[tagsearch tag="fish"]] The Hanna code simply searches the title field of the tags pages for the single term and returns the pages that have that tag. I have limited the results to 8. From the results, we pluck the title field of the pages, the small image that I use for my thumbnail, and the url. However, we do not want to also return the page we are displaying, so we simply eliminate it by making sure that that none of the results have the same page name. Here is the commented Hanna code. <?php // Find the pages that use the specified tag $articles = $pages->find("template=basic-page, tags.title=$tag, limit=8"); // Start the loop foreach($articles as $article){ // Check we are only displaying articles that are NOT the current page if($article->name != $page->name){ // Add a thumbnail, but check it is there so we don't get errors if($article->image_small){ echo "<a href='{$article->url}'><img src='{$article->image_small->url}'></a><br>"; } // Grab the article title echo "<br><a href='{$article->url}'>{$article->title}</a>"; // end the check to make sure we do not show the current page } // end the loop } And that is it.
  3. Hello Fellow forum members. I wanted to share two links to a guide and a cheatsheet concerning Crontab and Cronjobs. This is a result of me doing some research in how Cronjobs work and how to use it and i thought i share for other beginners use. So the guide that got me started and is a good reference is: A Comprehensive Crash Course Into Cronjobs (sitepoint) And also i found this sort of cheatsheet and database of cronjob configurations handy: Corntab - the Crontab GUI I hope these tips can help any beginners like myself get up and running with cronjobs.
  4. Was just wondering what time-saving tips you guys have from one project to the next. Are there things you carry over? Every time you add a contact form do you code it from scratch? Or do you go to another local project and copy and paste code over? I'm just conscious that though the main reason I love PW is that I code it all myself, line by line, it also means I probably end up spending too much time in the nitty gritty. So do you have any time saving tips? Am also interested in your workflows within the admin section (think I've asked this before). Is there anything in particular you've learned that helps you get your PW projects up and running faster? Cheers!
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