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Everything posted by diogo

  1. Nico, is this what you are looking for? http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,598.0.html maybe you can also help
  2. Hi Neildaemond, welcome to the forum. I never had any issue like this while installing processwire, and i couldn't reproduce it with any combination of permissions. But what you are describing sounds very similar to this http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,597.0.html Hope it helps
  3. I think the forum is positive like this, having good comments about a bad comment. If Soma deletes the comment, then all the other comments don't make any sense and also have to be deleted... It will mess all the thread. I don't see any harm on keeping it like it is.
  4. I imagine that Processwire potential users also look for markup freedom
  5. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! PW will get the deserved attention now
  6. It's great Nikola! one more thing I think the view on the edit page dialog shouldn't be a tab. It just doesn't feel right to press one tab and leave the page. And now that the save page button is one the top, I think the view page could be maybe a light grey button next to it. What do you think?
  7. Already tested it! I'm glad the problem was spotted. On my Chrome, everything is fine. I like the theme very much, but I confess I liked it more in small on the pictures. For me the typography on the sidebar and on the title is too big (and also the sidebar itself) especially for smaller screens. But really, either than this, the theme is just great! Despite all the awesome themes, I'm still using Processwire's default. My girlfriend likes it very much
  8. looks great Nikola!! i will try it for sure when i get home! EDIT: I love the grey and blue combination, but you could have also a pink alternative theme
  9. I'm asking because I was reading some tutorials and advices for installing the server on Linode, and there are lots of people using nginx instead of apache. they advice it especially for vps plans with less ram. It also seems like a growing number of people are using it, might be worth to have a look. The configuration for php applications doesn't look too complicated. here is an example for joomla http://docs.joomla.org/Nginx, and here you can find some more applications http://wiki.nginx.org/Configuration and here is a primer http://blog.martinfjordvald.com/2010/07/nginx-primer/
  10. yep... clearly something was not smelling well on oscms, I'm glad you found out what it was. I was also getting annoyed by the adds. I don't think it appears that PW endorses that company, but they are attesting that PW works well on their hosting, even if they really don't know it. It's just plain dirty! Anyway, I hope they publish my review soon. I confess that I was lazy, and wanted to copy it to Alternative.to as soon as it would be published (so stupid that i didn't copy it before submitting), but I will write a new one there soon. Happy birthday Ryan!
  11. Anything new on this subject? Apparently nginx is really faster and less ram consuming than apache.
  12. Apeisa, you are right. It's true that Fedora doesn't have long term support editions. I think I will go for Linode. Any problem I might have, this is the first place where I will ask. I'm not a forum kind of person (if this even exists), but you all make people feel at home. Thanks for that EDIT: keep the suggestions coming. They may be useful for anyone else.
  13. I posted a review 4 days ago, and it's still not there. But yes, you should, because Ryan stepped on some foot and someone must have done a massive voting down on Processwire there. Fortunately it's going up again. EDIT: Soma, that should go on the frontpage of the website
  14. Yep, as I told some times before, symphony is also great! XSLT is quite easy to learn and is extremely flexible, but is a pain to write... and it's quite annoying that you just can't print "<!doctype html>". Besides, it feels like you are fighting all the rest of the world by using it... I guess, at the time, I was also looking for something like symphony, but written on a wide spread language.
  15. Ah! when I made this comment, I didn't think of actually testing what results I would get now. Do it yourself and be surprised The bathroom would be definitely too personal ;D
  16. I tend to choose Linode, but the guys at webhostingtalk are not very encouraging to all those that have asked about it and showed less experience. They always encourage them to go for a managed VPS, but that is way out of what I could pay right now. By the other hand. I really enjoyed reading some of the documentation. It's quite clear, and straightforward. @Apeisa, what do you think? Is it as overwhelming as they say at the forums?
  17. I think I googled something like "cms custom fields new markup control flexible", and here I was! I had a very good impression of the first things I read on the homepage. I was very impressed by Ryan's video, and by the "straight to the point" talk. Although, I had the feeling that it was too personal (I can't explain, maybe the room...). I've seen it again recently, and I don't have that feeling anymore. But, i guess, it can happen to new people. I printed all the documentation and read it outside while having coffee and enjoying the sun. It was a great reading
  18. Thanks Ryan! Servint looks really nice, but the lowest price is too much for me right now (there is a crisis going on here, not easy). Hostgator is really quite cheap, but it's funny that i would never feel compelled to look further then the homepage if it wasn't for your suggestion. I was also looking for Portuguese VPS servers, and there are some that look interesting. I might even try one of those, or go by Apeisa's suggestion of Linode. The answers so far are very different from what i've found when i was googling around. I'm glad I asked EDIT: as for processwire website, i didn't notice much difference from processwire.com to processwire.org, but on both the images take maybe 1 sec to load for the first time on this connection (i admit this connection is not great). Slower than happycog.com but faster than whitehouse.org
  19. Pete and Apeisa, thanks a lot for your answers! Apeisa, I still don't know if I could manage my own VPS. I installed a LAMP system on my Fedora 15, but on a local environment where I don't have that many safety concerns ... but maybe it would be interesting. Just by curiosity, what distribution do you have installed on yours? Also, would it make any sense to use a PaaS like PHP Fog? CloudControl seemed like an interesting solution, but uses a read-only filesystem since may. It's not for PW for sure... One service that caught my attention for small sites was LaughingSquid (the 4th on Wordpress suggestions), mainly because of the pricing system. but it doesn't provide shell access. Would you say it's important? Sorry, I'm a bit throwing things on the air, but thought maybe this could be a useful topic also for other people. EDIT: i was having a look at the Linode documentation, and it seems very clear and complete. Since I know how to use yum and use the terminal in fedora to make basic operations, i guess it would be a good choice. I only have some doubts concerning having several websites and different clients on the same server. And being a freelancer, how to make sure they can access them if something happens to me (let's hope not)... but those are different questions
  20. I'm looking for a hosting company for a ProcessWire website, and would like some suggestions based on the experience of other PW users. Maybe we can even arrive to a list of good compatible hosts to put on the website, like this one http://wordpress.org/hosting/ or this one http://symphony-cms.com/explore/compatible-hosts/ As for me, I would prefer an European company.
  21. i think they will get some loving as soon as people start to translate... speaking of that... when can we start?
  22. you can if you change the name of the admin page
  23. Ryan should write a book on php I would buy it, and tell everyone to
  24. pw is on the frontpage of AlternativeTo, on the New&Popular section
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